I think the best thing about a blog is that you don’t know where it’s going. I don’t know where my blogs are going to go.
That could be your call.
I’m opening with four blogs, the first of which will tell you how Coat with Long Sleeves evolved, and the other three explore pertinent issues that are addressed in the story. When I wrote Blog 1 on 4th March 2020, my paperback book didn’t yet exist; it was at the printers. It was very early days, and an exciting time. I hope it still is, no matter what has happened since then. Blogs 2 and 3 target the threats to our countryside and our heritage and Blog 4, my erstwhile reader magnet, wants to know what happens when you die.
I’m looking forward to seeing where they will all go. If you want to steer them, leave me a comment.

Misplaced – A short story of murder and concealment
Read my new short story - find out more and get the FREE download ...

Book Two, half a first draft, but stalled
What will the internet have turned into in 2049? Will villagers be frazzled by out-of-control global warming? The countryside rewilded? Can you still get a drink at the pub?

The Missing Appendix
I’m afraid I have a confession to make. I haven’t written an appendix yet, so it isn’t really missing. If it passed you by … and SPOILER ALERT, if you haven’t read the book, you may not wish to continue reading …

Mankind's Legacy
There is nowhere, not one tiny neglected corner in England that is untouched by man, and it’s all very, very interesting.

The Changing Countryside
Has the English countryside always been like this? – or is it another sign that the things that live in it are in retreat?

The Story so Far
I started thinking about the plot for what would become ‘Coat with Long Sleeves’ over the winter of 2012/3.